Recent developments in the interpretation of the “power of disposal” as PE threshold

Recently, the Austrian Federal Tax Court (BFG) dealt in its decision (BFG 8/2/2024, RV/6100451/2018) with the requirements for the power of disposal triggering a permanent establishment. Fact pattern A German dentist treated inmates of Austrian prisons. The tax authority generally has a rather broad understanding of the power of disposal over a fixed place of […]

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Pillar II: (Potential) reporting obligation by December 31, 2024 upon appointment of Austrian Pillar II Taxpayer

The global minimum tax (Pillar II) entails not only complex calculations but also various compliance obligations. Although the filing of the GloBE Information Return and the Austrian Pillar II advance notification is not due until 2026, one compliance issue may already require action by December 31, 2024. The Pillar II rules are applicable from January […]

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VAT in the digital age (“VIDA”) – Agreement in ECOFIN

On 8 December 2022, the European Commission submitted a draft for a Council Directive on the initiative “VAT in the Digital Age” (ViDA) including the long-awaited proposals for modernising VAT rules in the EU. On 5 November 2024, these were adopted unanimously by the Council of the European Union. In general, the proposal for the […]

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Relief measures from NEHG (Austrian National Emissions Certificates Trading Law) for energy-intensive businesses and carbon leakage

Since 1 October 2024 there is the option to apply via NEIS for the relief measures for energy-intensive businesses and businesses at risk of carbon leakage for the years 2022 and 2023. The application is to be filed until 30 November 2024. The option to partial refund of the paid NEHG tax is intended to […]

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Resolved and planned legal amendments in the area of the Austrian Value Added Tax Act (UStG) and the EU Deforestation Regulation

In October 2024, due to the Austrian Progression Compensation Act 2025, there was an amendment to the UStG. Furthermore, the European Commission and the Council have adopted an amendment to the EU Deforestation Regulation. Amendment to the UStG The turnover limit for the applicability of the small business exemption will be raised from EUR 42,000 […]

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BMF (Austrian Federal Ministry of Finance) on value added tax on one-way packaging

The BMF confirms that deposits on one-way packaging are not part of the taxable base for Value Added Tax (VAT) purposes for the concerned beverage deliveries and are therefore not subject to VAT. Also, returning the deposit amounts when returning the one-way beverage packaging is not subject to VAT. Description As of 1 January 2025, […]

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Decree issued by the Austrian Ministry of Finance (BMF) – Decrease of interest rates

Due to the decrease of the main refinancing operations rate by the European Central Bank, the amount of the deferral interest, interest for suspension, claim interest (interest for subsequent payments and credits), appeal interest as well as VAT interest is adjusted in the Austrian Federal Tax Code (FTC). Moreover, the amount of the refund interest […]

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Intrastat – New developments when using the One Stop Shop (EU OSS) for distance sellers located outside of Austria

Since January 2024, an amendment in connection with the Intrastat reporting obligations is applied regarding distance sellers located outside of Austria. Amendment as of the reporting year 1 January 2024 No Intrastat declaration obligation applies anymore as of the reporting year 1 January 2024, if economic operators not located in Austria arrange for intra-Community distance […]

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Electricity levy when using self-generated electricity from renewable energy sources

The Austrian Government has continuously simplified and promoted using self-generated electricity from renewable energy sources (e.g. installing and operating photovoltaic systems) via several measures for companies as well. However, tax-related issues must be addressed if self-generated electricity is used e.g. via a photovoltaic system. Legal Background In principle, the supply and the use of electrical […]

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Green hydrogen in the spotlight: everything you need to know about the new planned investment subsidy

The planned initiative aims at promoting the development and implementation of hydrogen technologies, thus making an essential contribution to the energy transition and to climate protection. Pursuant to the Austrian Renewables Expansion Act (EAG) that became effective in 2021, investment subsidies will be used to promote the constructions of new plants converting electricity to hydrogen […]

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